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Illegal Alien Detention, Deportation Relief (Release from Detention), and Release Methods

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  • When a foreign national who is illegally staying in the country is detained and faces deportation, it is important to understand the possibility of being released through release from detention.
  • Release from detention requires strict conditions such as humanitarian grounds, a deposit, and a guarantor, and the chances of success can be increased with the help of an expert.
  • Immigration screening is meticulous and the outcome is difficult to predict, so it is necessary to consult with an experienced expert to find the best course of action for your individual situation.
Illegal Alien Detention, Deportation Relief (Release from Detention), and Release Methods

Illegal Alien Detention, Deportation Relief (Release from Detention), and Release Methods

In this report, we will examine the system of temporary release, or protection temporary release, which is a way for foreign nationals, including illegal immigrants who have been apprehended or sentenced to imprisonment, to be rescued from the crisis of deportation or expulsion measures after being apprehended, arrested, and detained.

The Ministry of Justice has established a 5-year plan to reduce the number of illegal immigrants in 2023 and regularly conducts joint government crackdowns on illegal immigration and special voluntary departure programs for illegal foreign nationals.

Illegal immigrants who have been apprehended after being apprehended, arrested, and detained are being protected in shelters, and those who have been apprehended, arrested, and detained are undergoing immigration crime screening and are either subject to deportation or expulsion measures or are in the process of being deported.

VISA LAW administrative agency, specializing in immigration crime screening, has been receiving many inquiries from those who have been apprehended and arrested while illegally staying in the country and are now being protected in shelters, as well as from their families and acquaintances, asking whether there is a way to avoid deportation or expulsion measures and whether there is a way to be temporarily released, even for a few months, through protection temporary release to allow them to settle their affairs.

A checklist of the illegal immigrant's personal circumstances is crucial!!!

The representative administrative agency investigates and verifies even the most minute details to determine whether the individual meets the conditions for protection temporary release, which could allow for temporary release, leveraging decades of accumulated expertise in a comprehensive checklist of dozens of items. In addition to this, they meticulously examine whether there are any special circumstances or supporting documents pertaining to the illegal immigrant's situation.

However, a considerable number of illegal immigrants do not meet the requirements for protection temporary release, which could result in temporary release, and are inevitably subject to deportation or expulsion measures after being held in a shelter, which can be heartbreaking.

Nevertheless, in some cases, illegal immigrants might meet the eligibility criteria for protection temporary release or, even if they fall slightly short, there's a possibility that they could be granted protection temporary release if they diligently prepare the necessary materials and effectively handle the screening process.

The reason why these individuals have come to a distant foreign land is simple.

It's their hope that their families back home will be happy.

The reason why illegal foreign nationals come to a distant foreign land, where nothing is familiar, including language, food, customs, and climate, is almost always the same. They aspire to earn money through hard work and effort to support their families back home and witness their happiness.

When these illegal foreign nationals are apprehended, arrested, and detained, and face conditions that make release unlikely, paying a significant sum of money in a desperate attempt to secure temporary release through a protection temporary release request can lead to even greater distress.

Therefore, VISA LAW administrative agency only takes on cases where there is a minimum chance of a protection temporary release request being granted and resulting in a few months of release when inquiries are made through phone calls or in-person visits.

The representative administrative agency, having worked at the Supreme Prosecutors' Office and various local prosecutor's offices for over 20 years, has investigated a wide range of cases and learned that it is imperative not to prejudge or assume the outcome of a case, no matter how trivial it may seem.

Due to government policies and other factors, the Immigration authorities are increasingly taking a stricter stance towards illegal immigrants, leading to less favorable outcomes compared to the past. Moreover, even for relatively similar cases, the handling and outcomes can differ significantly depending on the specific immigration office and the assigned immigration officer.

As a result, VISA LAW administrative agency refrains from assuring clients of positive outcomes in their immigration crime screenings.

Instead of making such promises, they strive to understand the emotional state of the detained illegal immigrants and contemplate any possible leads that could lead to a favorable outcome.

The standards for protection temporary release screening are

strict. complex. and stringent.

According to the Ministry of Justice's "Regulations on the Handling of Protection Temporary Release Operations," the screening standards for protection temporary release, eligibility of applicants, and screening procedures are extremely intricate and demanding.

This is because, when the government expends resources and finances to apprehend, detain, and protect illegal immigrants or foreign nationals sentenced to imprisonment in shelters with the intent to deport or expel them, the potential for various complications arises if they are temporarily released, even for a few months.

When illegal immigrants or individuals sentenced to imprisonment are being held in shelters, the requirements for protection temporary release, which allows for temporary release, include, as a fundamental condition, the existence of humanitarian grounds, the deposit of a 20 million won guarantee, and the provision of a guarantor.

Humanitarian grounds encompass a vast array of individual circumstances, requiring detailed consultation to fully understand.

A true expert in immigration crime screening

must leverage their experience and expertise to

understand the client's perspective,

dedicate themselves beyond the scope of their duties, and

strive for the best possible outcome.

They should put in the effort.

To address any complex issue, it's essential to comprehend the individual aspects holistically, establish a clear direction, and prepare rational, objective, and valid logical evidence to support that direction. It's crucial to anticipate counterarguments from the opposing side and be prepared to address them.

This ability to present logical arguments and supporting evidence, along with the capability to respond to insightful inquiries from immigration officials, is likely to be more effective when it's grounded in the experience and know-how accumulated by professionals who have investigated a broad range of cases, including those that have generated social attention and those involving financial disputes between individuals, such as fraud.

Even the most skilled amateur soccer player rarely surpasses a professional. This is not primarily due to innate talent but rather a consequence of the acquired foundation built through prolonged systematic training, guidance, and competition with exceptional athletes.

If you are an illegal immigrant who has been apprehended, arrested, or sentenced to imprisonment and is facing the threat of deportation or expulsion, and considering the possibility of temporary release through protection temporary release for a few months, we encourage you to seek out a genuine professional – someone who truly understands the difficulties faced by those in your position, someone who goes above and beyond in their efforts to find solutions, and someone who can connect with you. Take that step to see if you can find that right expert.

Illegal Alien Detention, Deportation Relief (Release from Detention), and Release Methods

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